Monday, July 16, 2007


This Blogger has been created this day July 16th, 2006. This is the beginning of the formation of an international support system for the emancipation of Women all over this, our precious earth. This organization welcomes those who can understand and support an all out effort to raise the status of women across the board, across the world.

Formed of men this organization takes a stand against all prejudice and denounces unkindness on the whole, especially amongst underprivileged women around the world. We believe these women are the source of a better future for mankind on the whole and their status needs to be elevated.

We would like to quote from th Bahai writings "Humanity is like a bird with its two wings-the one is male, the other female. Unless both wings are strong and impelled by some common force, the bird cannot fly heavenwards. According to the spirit of this age, women must advance and fulfill their mission in all departments of life, becoming equal to men". This quote not limited to Americans but must include every female within reach. We believe this to be the " Promised Land" for mankind.

Gen. 1:27 ". . . male and female created he them". KJV


Blogger EVE said...


1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi is organized

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi from Guam,

Nice web page. Very classy. Where does the seventhidea name come from? Tell me more about goal and future plans for your website. Good luck and keep up the nice work.


9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very interesting concepts. Is there a way to support this effort directly?

3:45 AM  
Blogger EVE said...

Which Women are targeted here?

3:55 AM  
Blogger EVE said...

Women across the board as I understand it. . . a power base!

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's artwork is that and is that a woman in the upper left hand side of page?

4:04 AM  
Blogger EVE said...

It is from a local artist and primary developer of this blogspot He just goes by {DBI}

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Women, are we going to accept the amount of destruction on our citizenship that is being caused by wars around the world?

7:09 AM  
Blogger EVE said...


7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Carl. . . with the right attitude we can put an end to wars as long as women are united in the effort.

6:59 AM  
Blogger EVE said...


7:02 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

What is your stance on strippers? "Yay, "as long as the no touching rule is in effect, or a solid "Nay" across the board?

8:12 PM  
Blogger EVE said...

Not to discourage inquiry such as these. Following the more moralistic road of which we believe will ultimately take form. Some toning down in the area of lust needs to take place. This is a responsiblity for each man and woman. But if we couled get used to the idea of women representing themselves in a more divine natur rather than a sexual nature. . . more power will be earned by the women. Get used to the idea of women ascending to many powerful positions across the board. Thankyou for your inquiryBlog Ptld.

2:28 PM  
Blogger EVE said...

Here we go!

5:51 AM  
Blogger EVE said...

I write to you most intelligent Women concerning the conditions escalating in the Muslim Situation.

We are now convinced that the escalation of the station and importance of the participation of Women in the affairs of the Muslim World are required to actually step up the healing process for the mistakes made. We are a nation and world of forgiveness. As well as insightful towards trends. The movement we speak of includes the escalation of all Women across the board in politics, education and every aspect of our institutions. The ones they will have At least. These highly intelligent Muslim Women are showing their wings in Europe and America. . . These Women can understand and relay the principles profound to the Koran such as Love, Forgivness,Passion for Her God. As much as any man can! And should be reached for and assisted in any way. Thank you for your attention tonight. . .EVE!

6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following is a compilation of quotes from an author at He is reviewing our work "The Fall of Adam" also found at Please enjoy his quotes. . .

"Do I believe the second coming has anything to do with females domination? No. I have seen female dominated societies in the past which had nothing to do with the second coming!

However, I do agree very stongly with men being primarily resposible for the conditions around the world. Testosterone and all. My utopia would see both genders equal. I applaud worldwide all advances in cultures and education which allows women to progress equally with men."

Also He writes. . ."Here's something to think ponder_ DaVinci Code related. . .Do you believe the church supressed women's contribution to Christianity in a male dominated church?

What do you think about these issues friend?

Leave your message. It's best to plug youself as annonymous and leave a handle in your closing statement. EVE

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daniela, an author who can be found at has authorized us to include some of his/her quotes from review of "The Fall of Adam" also to be found at

"...knowing a little about the scriptures myself, I don't see a convincing argument here about Eve bearing a greater burdon of guilt for th fall. Ive always held her in high reguard (as the first mother), and to me the scriptures do not condemn her. I salute her for her decision, albeit one which was inevitable, for without it, we would not exist.

I agree based on whqat you presented, tht men have a lot to answer for . But I think both genders have a lot to be held accountable for, considering that they each have both fallen short the mark. (This comes from the strong belief I hold that children deserve to be raised by a mother and a father - that that is the optimum.>)

Adam and Eve both paid a price so to speak by leaving the Garden. But we as children of God must always give up something less to gain something greater. By leaving his presendce in the Spirit world to come here aned gain mortal bodies, we are left whqt was a comfortqble existence to be born on this earth. But we then gained a body and embqarked on our own, individual paths to greater knowledge and the development of faith in GOD.

We must all leave the Garden eventually if we hope to become what the heavenly Father and Christ wish of us. . .To become and to have eternal life with them and our loved ones.


3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is an awesome God and we are pleased to have him in Trinity. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Keep up the talents he gave you, for we as women are blessed to have someone like you to form a group such as this.....

Blessings in Christ

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larone Mckinley,who can be located at writes (Concerning "The Fall of Adam" also at . ."Thankyou for writing this peice. The interpretations of scripture is in conflict and will remain so for quite some time to come. Men and women will agree to disagree quite simply due to the responssssibilities of their seperated roles in gender. A man can not be a woman. He may appear like one, act like one, sound like one however, the cellular and emotional values found in a woman is instilled from God, not man. If a man could give birth to a child, this act may clarify his understanding of the sufferring of women a woman must endure during childbirth. He will still be a man , even with the adaptation of modern day medicine.

If a woman challenges, or becomes a man, does she really understand what being a man requires? No. Being a man is not a comfortable position in the universe and those that seek to be one, inviteas rath of God and temtation from Satan. The result is the confusing of the roles and desolving clarity. Is it a man or a woman becomes the second question. The first question is, Are they a true Christian?" Larone

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are blessed to have such a creative person to fight the "GOOD FIGHT", for Jesus Christ and for Women around the world. I believe that Our Father in Heaven, in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit welcome the efforts that we as believers make on a daily basis. Continue your work for him and do not be in dismay DBI....
I don't just believe Christ is returning, I know he is and every eye shall see him......
Blessings in Christ,

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have years to go in this journey. Let us pray now for Jesus purest and most dead on direction! DBI

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In answer to your question about God being masculine or feminine, I believe he is both and neither, simultaneously. Certainly, for centuries, God was deemed to be male, and this is still true in most male dominated societies which worship female dieties. The Wiccans for example revere the Earth Mother Gaia, and Catholics revere Mary as the holy mother of God when he chose to wear an earthly body and then sacrificed himself for us as Jesus. In the spiritual realm, where sex is irrelevent, male and female traits such as strength and compassion aren't labeled, but simply acknowledged as being. It 9s only the human mind, the intellect, a mere part of the whole , that deems it necessary to differentiate between "male" and "female" aspectsGod being the Father, Son and Holy Spirit simultaneously, is free to take on any aspect. Since men are designed to be streonger than women, physically, as part of His grand plan then more often than not, when God manifests himself, it is in a male aspect; however if the female aspect serves his purpose better, then that is the aspect we are shown. I think of Isis as an example, a stong female aspect but that is just another example of duality as seen by men (and/or women) because the egyptians were just another duality based belief system such as the American Indians or the present day Wiccans. As I said before, these aspects are only of importance here in the physical realm, where we, as people, differentiate between male and female. In the spiritual realm, as in after we die, you may choose to hold onto your male aspect (if thats what makes you comfortable), but you are also free to lose it and become simply the being that you are. There is so much more to the spiritual realm that we as people simply cannot comprehend because as conscious, physical beings, our thoughts and even our imaginations are limited by our physical experiences. It is only the few who choose to0 delve deeper (or look higher), further, beyond the mundane, who ever catch a glimpse of the greatness and glory that is beyond us while we inhabit our earthly bodies.. .Tim R.

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such Wisdom! Thankyou Tim! DBI

6:59 PM  

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